Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Goon vol 7: A Place of Heartache and Grief

Damn, Eric Powell is fantastic. It amuses me that a writer who infuses so much oddity in his work can still deliver the drama and angst that makes the Goon work so well. I mean, one issue of this trade opens with a deformed cat talking with a deformed monkey. They look totally ridiculous and funny, but damn if it wasn't an ominous scene anyway. Another contrast is how the Goon is heading off to blow up a cursed burlesque house inhabited by evil bird women, but he's distracted on the way by a gigantic mutant transvestite that needs killin'. I mean, that is just crazy, right? So this is a humor book. So why am I so distressed when the Goon's gypsy friend is gunned down in the street my zombies? This book gives you a dash of everything and it totally works.

Things are getting serious at this point too. The Goon, Franky, and the rest of the gang are pretty established as the top guys in town. The kids love them, everyone owes them money, and they've taken care of the zombie problem on Lonely Street. So that's why it is so ominous that a strange foreign priest has shown up and rededicated the local forces of evil to take out the Goon. And since they have the power to take out a gypsy and then negate the scrying of another, these guys are not to be trifled with. I love the callback to Dr. Alloy too, he is in jail to control his homicidal tendencies, but he's still helping out the Goon with some sweet walkie-talkies.

Eric Powell's strengths as an artist are well known. He draws horrific monsters and zombies, animation style violence, and great dames. His work has such a great mix of pencil and painted, these issues are beautiful to look at.


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