Sunday, October 31, 2010

Walking Dead #78

Hah! Those raiders in DC messed with the wrong bull when they went after Rick Grimes and his crew! I'll admit, I didn't think that's where Robert Kirkman was taking this thing when he started showing us that crew moving in on the Community. I should have trusted that he wasn't setting up another Governor situation, he actually was bringing the focus back to the book's other stars. Because when there's a flurry of shooting like in this issue, you can be sure the zombies heard it. I think we can look forward to some good undead action over the next few months.

Douglas stood proud for awhile, thinking that he could try and reform Rick and his gang, but as the reader has known all along, Rick and the skills his crew bring might actually be the only thing that can save lives in the Community. When things get rough, Rick's guys are going to do what has to be done. This has been a fascinating chance to see the series regulars try to relax, but man, they're ready to kick butt at any time.

Charlie Adlard's art is great in this one. The firefight is brief and deadly, but what I loved most was the interspersed shots of the nearby zombies getting interested in the sound. There's one zombie rocking a fedora who might be the best dressed zombie in this series so far.


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