Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Spider-Man: Red-Headed Stranger TPB

Wow. I really like Fred Van Lente's re-imaginings of Spidey villains. The Chameleon has always been a neat villain, but the idea to play him as a serial killer is brilliant. It would be easy to paint him as just a sociopath, because he's certainly got those tendencies. He works for terror groups, he murders (and dissolves!) his targets, but only after suffocating them as he makes a mask of their faces. But what makes him so fascinating is this idea that he "improves" the lives of his victims. After walking around posing as Peter Parker, Chameleon acts in ways that he thinks Peter Parker would want to, but never could. He stands up for MJ's honor. He helps out Harry Osborn. He gives Flash Thompson a piece of Parker's mind (so he supposes). It's a great twist on a classic character. (Plus, Slyde II makes his debut! It's brief, but there! Along with Mandroids!)

I'm less thrilled with the final story in the trade, but the strength of the opening three-parter makes up for it.

Barry Kitson's art is fantastic, as always. His Mandroids look tremendous and he seems to have fun with Chameleon's constant shock at the beautiful ladies in Peter's world. I do wish Marvel would have put a different cover on the collection. I'm embarrassed to read that on the plane!


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