Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Green Lantern #67

Ah, I see. The secret to defeating Krona was for Hal Jordan to wait for the story to end, then blast him with all Hal's might! Easy enough!

I mean, sure, Geoff Johns gives Kyle Rayner a moment, he draws all the missing Rainbow guys in the Black Book to bring them all back to make this a tad tougher for Krona, but basically, after the Earth GLs were on the run for a 10-part story, the ending hits when Hal gives a good one-liner and shoots a beam through Krona. If there was more to it, I suppose it happened so long ago that I can't remember.

That's not to say this issue didn't have good parts. I love seeing that classic GL get his hands on a ring again, that's one ballsy move if DC sticks with it through September like they're saying. I also think the Guardians' reaction to Hal and the Earth GLs is totally reasonable, Hal has been bucking the system for years! Give him a suspension to think about it! And Doug Mahnke's artwork is tremendous, as always. I do think the book is worth the wait if Mahnke needs a bit of extra time to make things look this spectacular. Of course, that's a big argument to wait for the trade, since I can't recall what Guy Gardner was supposed to be doing during this climax, he and John Stewart sure didn't do much at the end.


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