Sunday, November 7, 2010

Wonder Woman: War Killer TPB

This is an odd little trade. The first half stands pretty well on its own as a cool team up for Wonder Woman with Black Canary. I loved seeing the two of them go undercover into a fight club underworld. My problem is that I couldn't remember what was happening with Sarge Steel. He's in Dr. Psycho's body, but I have no memory of how that happened. A tad more recap would have helped me puzzle this out. I remember it happening, but not the how or the why. I'm afraid I might be reading the Gail Simone WW trades out of order.

The second half plays off of the Circle, Simone's first trade, and the "Manazons" arc. Again, I can't remember the motivations for Achilles' and his group, heck, I can't even remember who the second in command is. There are some neat sequences once the battles start, and I always like seeing Ares. But there is a bunch of political maneuvering and betrayals that I'm sure I didn't totally understand. I did like the whole idea that WW is so wrapped up with multiple gods of war.

Aaron Lopresti's art is a little rounder than Bernard Chang's, so his WW looks a tad curvier. Both do a nice job with all the weird mythological monsters. I did like Black Canary and WW's fake costumed identities too, complete with tear-away bits to reveal the real costumes underneath.


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