Monday, January 27, 2014

Sable & Fortune 1-4 (2006)

Oh Marvel Unlimited. You are going to be a very dangerous application for me. Now that I can discover forgotten limited series like this… well, you can expect some oddball Marvel reviews, that’s all I’m saying.

After reading it, I can see why this series is forgotten. It isn’t that writer Brendan Cahill or artist John Burns do a bad job, it is just that they are hamstrung by their leads. There is a reason that Silver Sable and Dominic Fortune aren’t used more than they are. Sable is by far the stronger character of the two, and she’s strictly C-list.

This is a fairly generic story about sleeper cells and betrayals within the Wild Pack. I can’t really tell who everyone is, and the lack of costumed villains to distinguish people from each other really hurts. Cahill does a nice job with some of Fortune’s dialogue; he’s a lovable rogue constantly in danger. He plays the damsel in distress role while Sable is the butt-kicking action lead. The reversal of traditional roles is amusing, but not enough to give the series enough traction.

I’ve never seen it, but isn’t this what Remington Steele was based on? If so, then this would certainly make for a good Marvel version of that show.

I assume John Burns is a classic artist of 2000 AD or something. (EDIT: Just confirmed, he’s a Judge Dredd artist too.) His art has that British flair that used to pop up in the late 80’s and 90’s, especially on covers. His Silver Sable has a striking look, complete with enormous hair that just screams 80’s action movie. She looks fantastic. Burns’ art is a good enough reason for this to exist. He certainly has fans that must have appreciated this look. That’s how I made this the first book I read with my new Marvel Unlimited subscription.

That gets blown out of the water when Laurenn McCubbin takes over on the last issue. Cut from six issues to four, Burns doesn’t get to finish. McCubbin’s work looks so drastically different that I thought I was reading a different comic. Not to mention the bigger problem; the main villains were all eliminated in issue 3! I honestly couldn’t finish issue 4, that’s how unnecessary it felt.

It is disappointing; this went from a niche project with a targeted appeal to a four issue series that lived one issue too long. This EVIL comic is recommended for Burns fans only. 

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