Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Punisher: Frank Castle: Max #70

This has been an amusing story as Frank races around Philly. The poison in his veins leaves him almost worthless this issue, but he still manages to pick up a rifle and cap the gangsters who had targeted him with a rocket last issue. The collapsing floor followed by a massive shootout between the FBI and the kill-squad was well done, with Frank reduced to dictating strategy to the surviving agents by the end. I liked the small touch that those two agents were only knocked out when Deidre finally managed to grab Frank. Deidre was one interesting and sick villain throughout this series. She's so messed up that she has to get with the killing machine that is the Punisher. How hilarious is it that she was so desperate to strip down Frank that she forgot what he was? That kill was a pretty great moment. Didn't Deidre know you can't tempt the Punisher? I remain confused by the two pretty-boy guys who face off at gun-point at the end. They look so similar I was almost unable to tell them apart all story long. I'm going to re-read this arc from Duane Swierczynski in trade in one sitting, I bet it will be all clear then, I think I just let too much time drag between reads in floppy format.

Michael LaCombe's art was pretty darn strong throughout. He's equally adept at hot girls and ultraviolence, so he was perfect for this arc.


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