That picture of Monstro the whale man floating dead is the saddest thing I've ever seen. He only wanted to help Namor terrorize New York, why would the Red Skull do that to him?
The issue was almost like a new #1, with the Avengers/Invaders team gathering allies and getting into place to go after the cosmic-cube powered Red Skull. I really enjoyed the sequence where WWII Cap gives Iron Man the thumbs up for what he did in the Marvel Civil War. Even in the bulky disguise Iron Man is wearing it was a very well-done scene. I'm not as interested in the plot with the silly Nazi robo-dogs going after Spitfire and Union Jack, mainly because I think the core cast is diverse and interesting enough to need those pages. That said, I'm liking the small moments we are getting like Luke Cage asking Gabe Jones what it is like to be the only black Howling Commando. Neat stuff.
Why is Steve Sadowski not working more regularly. He can juggle the huge cast, his characters and costumes look great, and other than a few pages where the faces are a bit smudged (perhaps by inking?) this looks great. Those robo dogs are a bit silly though...
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