I decided before I read this that I'd approach it with an open mind, and it actually helped considerably. I went on record with issue 1 that I'm not a Barry Allen fan, and that the only time I've really found Saint Barry to be likable was in the DC New Frontier series. So far Rebirth-Barry has been kind of a mopey sad-sack with lots of inner pain. Geoff Johns actually seems to be addressing that in issue 2. The opening is quite well done as we see a group of gorillas from Gorilla City cave-painting the fall of anyone tied to the speed force. It has a nice movie-opening feel to it that was pretty fun. We soon find out that in addition to Savitar dying last issue, all the other active speedsters are experiencing spasms and pain most likely caused by Barry's return. Sure enough, after a few fairly pointless flashbacks, we find out that Barry is becoming the new Black Flash. I'm not sure what this means for the character going forward, but my first impression is that at least this could be a way for Wally to remain in the scarlet uniform. There was a fair amount of flashbacks going on here, covering material that I'm not sure needed to be covered. Every blog has been making fun of the Secret Origin of the bow tie with good reason, it is totally unnecessary, but I'd go a step further and say the whole flashback didn't add too much to the character. I'm also getting warped on ages in the DCU, I could swear that Iris Allen was a much older woman when she apppeared in Mark Waid's Flash comics, so why is she young here?
My favorite part about the story is that Barry has a reason for acting like a mope. He's being influenced by the Black Flash. I love how he knows the world had moved on without him, how he is aware of his faults and that he isn't a saint. This issue went a long way towards making Barry a character I'm interested in seeing more of. Just make sure Wally stays in the picture.
Ethan Van Sciver's art is nice and detailed, as always. Iris Allen looks way too good for a 50 year old though. I'm thinking the ages must have been retconned around a bit since she and Barry look the same age as Wally now. That Black Flash costume at the end looked pretty sweet too.
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