Geoff Johns does a great job keeping things light. Larfleeze is understandably upset when Santa doesn't leave behind the required presents on Christmas morning. This is especially upsetting as Larfleeze was "mostly" nice during the year! How dare the powerful fat man deny Larfleeze his gifts? There isn't a whole lot else in this, aside from some great bonus features like a cookie recipe and a Larfleeze tree-ornament. Hal Jordan shows up to talk about the real reason for Christmas, and he does his best to teach it to Larfleeze, but the results are mixed at best. Johns brings the book to a close with a poignant moment that just makes me want to know more about Larfleeze's history. Maybe next year.
Brett Booth's strange exaggerated bodies works well in this trade, since Larfleeze is such an odd body type. I'm not sure if his style will work as well in the upcoming JLA books, but it is interesting seeing Booth try to use a more DCU-friendly style.
And before I forget...
Merry Christmas, Nerds!
1 comment:
And a Merry Christmas to you too.
But would Larfleeze approve of you sharing your opinions?
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