Damn, I love this comic. I'm behind reading it since it just arrived in my comic box, but I have to make sure to recommend it. The action picks up right after the last issue, with the various members of the team surviving their attacks in different ways. I really enjoyed how calm Black Knight was as he psyched up Faiza (now "Excalibur") to save them both. Her powers are still a tad ill-defined, but I'm ok with just leaving it as "super-healing." The main plot was good in this one, as Pete Wisdom starts to assemble his squad and the vampires take their places and declare war, but what makes this comic great is the little details. Black Knight asking if Faiza wants silence before they hit. The casual way Wisdom dresses down the other MI-agencies. The use of a spell to burn off being drunk, and the awful hangover it leaves behind. All great ideas and neat bits adding up to one of the best comics Marvel publishes. I will say that I'm still not cottoning up to Captain Britain the way I probably should be. He's being outshone by everyone else on the team. Blade in particular might make a better main protagonist for awhile.
Leonard Kirk's work is fantastic here. His vampires look like weird flaming monsters, and his take on Black Knight's armor is great. I like Excalibur's costume design too, putting two "knights" on the team. Mike Collins does the last few pages, and his work is decent, but doesn't hold up all that great next to Kirk's great looking pages.
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